I started work last week. Huzzah. I've already gotten into it with the English director lady. But it's okay because she doesn't take it personally. Unlike the main director who would probably cry if I argued with her.

Anyways. This year the teachers don't have classrooms, we have to switch. Which sucks BALLS. Especially for us (me and one other lady) science teachers. There's a science room with a bunch of lab equipment and chemicals and stuff, but it's not a science room anymore. Now anytime I have a lab I have to haul shit to wherever it is I'm teaching that day. I just know things will get broken, lost, misplaced, and ruined. I planned lots of labs for the first month and I'm going to make a big show about how difficult it is to bring shit to other rooms. I also had a full-size skeleton in the science room, and I plan on dragging that thing to all the rooms as well. Just to make a point. I told them I wouldn't mind sharing the room with the other science teacher, but they said no, it's not going to change. So I made a big fuss

Also this year they didn't give me a homeroom class. Which, honestly, hurt me a little. I've been the homeroom teacher to the same group of kids for two years and last year at the end of the year they said they'd give me the same class again. I only found out I wasn't homeroom teacher by looking on the website! No one even told me! I mean shit, was I that terrible of a homeroom teacher to so unceremoniously take me off? At the same time, I know I'm lucky I no longer have a homeroom. There is so many responsibilities and extra shit you have to do as a homeroom teacher. For example, on Tuesday the kids start school, but they spend the day with their homeroom teacher. So while homeroom teachers hang out and have to entertain the kids, I just go in and plan. There's also days where only homeroom teachers have to go into work. Therefore, I should be happy I don't have a homeroom. But I still secretly hope that my homeroom kids run up to me and say "we wish YOU were our homeroom teacher!"

We're now on the next step of the visa process, and I'm so confused. I remember being confused about the first step and now I'm a freaking expert. Now I'm confused about the second step! I thought I understood everything, but I don't. One thing that's confusing me is this form I have to fill out to show I have enough money to support my SO in the USA. But since I work abroad, my current income does not count towards the required amount. I plan on using assets to show I can support him and I hope it's enough. I don't feel comfortable asking someone to be a co-sponsor, though I know my dad or step-dad would be okay with it. The problem is on the sheet I have to fill out it asks for your current annual income. But I can't put mine because it's a foreign income. So do I put $0? Do I put I'm unemployed? Even though I'm not unemployed and I've been filing my taxes to the USA every year. I keep trying to ask on VJ but not very many people file from abroad so it's hard to find answers. I've got some time to figure it out, I'll do some more research tomorrow.

The Olympics have started! WOOOOOOOO!!! I love the Olympics so freaking much. I thought they weren't going to show it on TV here a) because NBC no longer airs in CR, and b) Ticos don't give a shit about the Olympics. I've been live streaming NBC on some sketchy website and it's been great. But it's on TV now! Luge! Yes! I have a friend in Switzerland who keeps posting spoilers and it's pissing me off. We get it a day later here because of the time difference. I might have to defriend her for the next two weeks or so.

Valentine's day- NO PLANS. We didn't even remember it until today. It's our "closing the distance" anniversary of three years, yehaw. I think I'll look up a recipe (thai fish cakes) I've been wanting to try and see how it turns out. My SO did say he has a surprise for me the week after next. I've been dropping not-subtle hints of asking him to make us reservations at this super fancy French restaurant I've been wanting to try for MONTHS. #1 on Tripadvisor, and I trust them because our favorite restaurant is #2. So hopefully that's what he did!

Well I'm getting pretty distracted by the Olympics so let me go ahead and give it my 100% attention

Have a great day!