My SO is currently out trying to find a part to fix the window in the car. Again. Our car is currently an oven. The windows don't go down and the AC doesn't work. And it's not winter here, guys. The mechanic was supposed to come last weekend (friday, then Saturday, then Sunday). And this weekend (Friday, then yesterday, then today). And in true tico fashion he simply doesn't show up, doesn't call to advise, and turns off his cell phone to avoid confrontations. We've taken the car to various mechanics and this is the only one who fixed the AC. Here's to hoping he'll show up NEXT weekend. Driving in an oven is really, really awful. My SO will at least make it so one window can go down about halfway for a few times.

Our Valentine's day was nice. I made some thai fish cakes which turned out okay, but I think they were missing something. Couldn't put my finger on it. I also made pumpkin pie for dessert, my SO's favorite. And we downed a bottle of wine. YUM! It was nice.

My SO has hinted he's got a surprise for me next week and I'm pretty sure he FINALLY made reservations at this French restaurant I've been wanting to try for months. We've tried to make reservations a few times, but you have to make them two weeks in advance! We never remembered that far ahead. About a week ago I started saying "yeah well when you take me to that French place one day..." so hopefully he got the more than subtle hint from me.

Work this week has been manageable. I got an email from a parent being like "the work you give is too hard for non-native English speakers!" I wanted to write back "No, your kid is a useless idiot who never does work, never pays attention in class, and has zero work ethic. His English is terrible. If you don't like that science is in English, go throw your money at another school" But of course I wrote "don't worry, we'll be monitoring his progress!" Stupid parents. That kid failed my class last year and he'll fail again this year. Also, I got the great news that teachers are no longer able to give out homework. Because it's "too much" for the kids. I didn't even argue. I'm glad I'm leaving that place.

Since work started I need to find a new workout routine. I started running a lot about a month before work started and I loved it. I felt so great and could see my improvement. And my dog was happy to run too! I'm going to have to run in the afternoons which is going to be TORTURE to get myself out. I'm always so tired when I get home and it's so damn hot. But gotta do it.

We've started talking more and more about moving to the USA. Normally my SO is all like how he can't wait to leave. But finally yesterday he admitted he's really going to miss his country. I feel bad for taking him away, but I know he'll get used to the USA just like I got used to CR. Plus, we don't plan on settling in a location anytime soon so the possibility of moving back to CR is definitely real. Though I think right now CR is really not a good place to be. It's so damn expensive and we make very little money. My SO knows that, and it's one of the main reasons we're moving back. So we put in our time in the USA, build up a savings, then do whatever the fuck we want!

TMI section-

Sex has been the best it ever has been in our relationship. I'm LOVING it! I normally have a low sex drive but somehow in the past couple months it's been getting better and better. So much so that this week we went a few days without sex and I couldn't handle it! I was like "we need to take 15 minutes and have a quickie RIGHT NOW!!!" Of course my SO is more than happy to oblige.

Alright, well I need to switch out some laundry and maybe go get a spoonful of leftover pumpkin pie...

Have a lovely Sunday