My best friend (the one who married my SO and me) is getting married. She's having the "paper marriage" on May 1. It's not a ceremony or anything. But because of some star thing they have to get married that day (she explained the whole thing to me, but it's confusing ) they even have a certain time. I'm trying to decide whether I should go or not.

Things to consider-

- May 1 is a holiday and I have May 1 and 2 off. I would have to take off April 30 as well, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
- That weekend my SO and I were planning a trip to Mexico. I've never been and I thought it was the perfect time to go. So obviously if I go to the USA that weekend, Mexico would be canceled.
- The tickets to USA are more expensive, but not "expensive". Plus, I need to take my dog up in May anyways (heat restrictions in June/July) so I would have to make the trip eventually.
- The wedding celebration is in December in India. My SO and I are 100% going to that.
- She said it's not a big deal, but this girl dropped everything and came to my wedding and married us. And it meant so much to me. So I know it would mean a lot to her if I flew up. If I do go, she might even ask me to marry them, which would be kinda cool. Us marrying each other!

Soo, what should I do? Cancel trip to Mexico and fly up to my friend's legal wedding instead? Or say I'll see her in July (when I move back) and just go to the India party?