I've been wanting to write for a while but never quite had enough to say. Still don't, but I have 20 minutes or so before my SO gets back from his run and we go out together, so real quick! Here I go

Work has been absolutely sucky. God that school is never going to get anywhere if they keep running it like that. At least once a week I think about just walking away and never coming back.

But the teaching has been great! In the USA you normally teach one subject to one grade, and you do it 3 times a day. Which makes you an expert in the area, which is kind of cool. Here it's my third year teaching and I have 6 different subjects and it's the LEAST amount of classes I've ever had. I have 5-9 science and 10th bio. I've actually enjoyed teaching such a range because I now realize how much I love middle school. When I get back to the USA I definitely want to get my middle school certification (my current certification is for all high school sciences). Also, another class I'm teaching this year (to 9th grade) is sort of physical science. It's like a precursor to physics, and I LOVE it!!! When I was in university I had to decide between majoring in biology or math, obviously I went with biology, but I've always loved math. It always came so easy to me and just made so much sense. I love how perfect it is. And so this "physical science" is math+science and I'm practically in nerd heaven! What an awesome subject! I always thought it was boring but no! It's super cool! I did this really awesome virtual lab yesterday and I had so much fun with it I showed it to my SO when I came home. Hehe.

(getting dressed for running so I'm ready when my SO comes home) (okay, side note- I buy my exercise clothes in Walmart. I usually buy M but holy shit is this stuff tight. So I get L and it's still hella tight! And it's the biggest size! Seriously, I know I'm not the smallest person around but I'm certainly not the biggest either. Now I guess I know why I see such large women squeezed into tiny spandex outfits- because that's as large as the sizes go!!)

Visa front- we're in the NVC waiting for a case number. VJ suggests calling every day, but fuck that. I'm calling once a week. It's frustrating to try to explain visa shit to people who have no clue about it at all. I post a lot about my visa struggle on my facebook and other forums, not to gain sympathy, but so that people (mostly Americans) understand that visa reform is desperately needed! I'm trying to get in legally and it's been nearly a year since my petition was accepted. That's not okay. The visa application process needs to be trimmed and made more efficient. I want as many people as I can reach to know how much it sucks. Maybe they'll think about it during the next election (not that officials ever keep their promises, but still).

About elections- presidential elections are going on down here. CR currently has a female president who everyone HATES. Two guys made it through the first round of like 10 people running for president. The next vote is in April, I think. They're all fucking crooks so whatever. Here's a fun story- some ex-president of CR was caught and charged with embezzlement, fraud, etc etc. He fled to Sweden or something until the charges ran out (have a time where they are applicable) then came back to CR and RAN FOR PRESIDENT AGAIN!!!! Can you believe the fucking balls of this guy??!! The worst is he actually had a good amount of support. What fucking idiots.

Bought a ticket home for April/May! I asked for two days off work and got them no problem. I'll be bringing my dog to the USA which is freaking me the fuck out. I'm not a super crazy dog person, but I love my dog and I'm so worried something is going to happen. I'm also really sad about leaving her in the USA for two months. I didn't think this would be such a big deal to me, but it is.

With my friend's wedding, it's weird how I feel so happy for her. She's in a situation where I would normally say BAD IDEA! She only met the guy last year, they've never lived with each other (they have had sex), and the entire relationship has been LD. But because I know her and know she's been around the block more than once, I'm actually totally supportive. She's so in love and it makes me so happy I'm quite excited!!

SO just got home, time to go for a run in this lovely weather! Have a great day!