Currently on hold for NVC. It usually takes about 30 minutes, but they don't tell you the wait time so who knows. More visa woes- the NVC is taking longer to do everything now. Guess why. Well since USCIS fucked everyone in the ass so hard and held onto cases for months and months without approving anything and just finally started approving again, the NVC is bogged down with more cases than it can handle. So awesome. I swear to god if we don't have our visa by July I'm quitting my job anyways. I can't make it any longer than July.

I'll also be sad because I'm taking Perlita up to the USA in April/May and if I have to stay here til August or whatever, man I'd miss my puppy. Of course the other option would be leaving but then I'd miss my husband. Husband or dog... hmm.

I'm worried about bringing up the puppy. I bought a flight with American that has temperature restrictions, can't be over 85F. We called Latin American AA and asked about that because hell, it's always around 85F here! The only way we could avoid that would be flying out super early, and then of course it'd be hot wherever we go to. They said the temp restriction doesn't count in CR because the dog is already "used to" the climate from where you fly. But other people told me it does. So fingers crossed it just doesn't get up to 85 that day! (Most days the high is around 82 or 83) If they don't let me take her I'll be stupid pissed and have to book another ticket almost immediately to take her up another weekend. Although I think if anyone is to let us slide, it'll be CR. They're usually pretty damn lenient with rules.

(gross story here)
My SO was awesome last night. I've felt a sort of pressure in my ear for about a week and yesterday I had his cousin (a doctor) take a peek. She said I had some wax build up and told me to buy some drops. I put in the drops and like an hour later I have a pain so intense I was crying. It was unbearable. He wanted to take me to the hospital but I just hate going to the hospital unless it's an emergency, like I stabbed myself or broke a bone or something. You have to wait forever and it costs an arm and a leg, well not as much as in the USA but enough to where I want to avoid it. (of course I could go to a public hospital where care is free but then I'd probably still be waiting from yesterday!) My SO decided to try to clean out my ear and sprayed in water with a syringe and a big chunk of something came out. But the pain didn't go away. I ended up taking 4 ibuprofen and a Vicodin and finally the pain subsided enough to where I could sleep. Took more ibuprofen throughout the day and I decided to go to the doctor to get checked out. (Need to go in about 30 minutes, NVC better answer me before then!) Although I really think she'll probably tell me "keep taking the ibuprofen" Gee thanks. But yeah, my SO was awesome. He did so much dirty work (cleaning ears is GROSS) and held me and was so nice. Love him

My friend wrote and she wants me to marry them! Yehaw! I gotta do some research and see how that works in NC. Pretty sure I just get ordained and they need two witnesses and that's it.

Besides the ear insanity I had a great Sunday. My SO's LASIK went great and he's seeing better than perfect. We went on a walk and the weather was beautiful. I need to go run, but here's another day I can't go because of stupid doctor appointment.

I love the mountains! Also, it's hard to see but one of those trees has orange flowers, the other has purple flowers. So pretty!

In February these trees always bloom beautiful pink flowers. It's a little late so they're falling now, but it's sooo pretty in February!

(ETA- 25 min on hold, still no case number. They've had my case for a month. Will try again later this week. *sigh*)