I started writing a blog a few days back, then all blog-hell broke loose so I decided to write later.

I've been hanging out a lot with my coworkers lately, they're really a great group of people. Last Saturday one of them had a teacher bbq at their house. It was really great except for the fact that various teachers brought their kids- aka STUDENTS. Everyone (without kids) was pissed! I had no idea they were there at first. I was swearing and chugging a beer when I walk around the corner and am like "oh hey kids!" Guess they now know Mrs. W is a drunkard. Oh well

I got in a fight with some guy who was at the party about something I've mentioned here before. I was saying something about Americans and he says "you mean people from the USA, because I'm 'American' too" (talking about how anyone from an America (North, Central, South) is technically 'American') I exploded. I was like "man, get the fuck over it. There's a lot of cruelties and injustices in the world, and this is just not one of them." I mean seriously, it's all fucking semantics.

Anyways. We're (coworkers and I, not the ass hole) hopefully planning to go out this Saturday to a bar that serves good beer (something that's not easy to find in this country!)

Work has been, well, work. I hate that place but I just love teaching. The other day I was teaching one class the lyrics to "I believe I can fly" I don't remember why. But it was funny. Another class I took outside today to do "dizzy races". Ya know where you spin around the bat and then try to run? Yeah, because we're studying the ear and balance has to do with the cochlea. It's related! I have some cow eyes coming in on Monday and we'll be doing dissections and the kids are super pumped! I'm the first to ever do dissections in the school so it's all very new. I gotta buy some latex gloves for them. I'm also trying to get some brains to do with the 10th graders.

I talked with the other science teacher and she reminded me of Tortuguero. That's where we went last year with the kids and measured sea turtles. One of the freaking coolest things I've ever done. It's in September, and we should be gone by then *knock on wood*. For a brief second I thought it might be worth it to stick around until September to go to Tortuguero again, but that's a long wait. They do have the Pacuare thing in May, where just the teachers go to work with the leather back turtles. I would LOVE to go there. Oh I hope they let me go. Then a month later I'll quit.

We got new uniform shirts for work. They're awful and burgundy. Nothing good is burgundy, unless it's wine.

The freshness!!!

Visa shit is finally moving!! We got our case number on Monday after over a month of waiting! HUZZAH!! Then yesterday, to my surprise, a new form I needed to fill out was already available. Now I'm waiting for them to invoice the first bill so I can send in my information. I hope it's invoiced today or tomorrow. I thought it would take a few weeks, but everyone's getting it just a few days after case number so I'm psyched! It seems like my prediction of MAY for visa is still looking pretty good. God what a freaking relief that will be. Just to be done with that stuff for the first time in over a year. And of course right now I'm also trying to figure out how the hell to file my taxes from abroad with a foreign income and a foreign spouse who doesn't have a SSN. Woo. I love paperwork.

Which means we have only a few months left in the country. Today while driving home from work singing Whitney at the top of my lungs just jamming in my car, I suddenly burst into tears. For the most ridiculous reason ever. There was a truck blocking the road and so all these other cars were trying to get around it and it was just this huge freaking mess. But those freaking messes happen ALL THE TIME. If I haven't complained about it before- driving and traffic in CR is a freaking nightmare. And I realized "this is so Costa Rica" and I thought about how we're almost leaving. And how in the USA I will not see random ass trucks who just decide to stop and block half the road next to a traffic light that's not been working for over two days and a bridge that doesn't have railings. I don't know, it made me so sad. All this stuff I hate, I'm still going to miss.

I hope to really take advantage of the weekends we have after I leave Perlita in the USA. We can do little weekend trips to all the places we want to see before we leave. Also, my SO plans to quit his job in May or June. About a month before we leave. Because he wants some time off before moving to the USA. No problem. He deserves it. Plus, then he can get in really good shape! Yum! We're actually really hoping he gets fired. I know that sounds funny, but if he's fired they have to give him a huge severance package. It'd basically be like he'd be getting paid almost the same as if he were working, but he wouldn't have to work! That'd be sweet.

I've been doing some good working out lately. Well the last two weeks I didn't, but besides that I've been good. I'm building lots of muscle in my legs and I'm just loving it! I feel fit and strong.

Which is a good thing since the 2nd annual beer festival is coming up in a few weeks! I'll leave you with some pictures from last year, because I want to be like schlaf and have lots of pictures in my blogs. Have a nice day!

Short hair! And goat baby!