That's going to be my body at the end of this visa shit.

I eat constantly. I drink constantly. Instead of exercising I get visa packets together. I stress over making sure every.single.detail is correct. My free time is no longer for bumming on the internet (made the exception now because I need to let it out!!!), instead I obsess over every VJ post making sure my information is impeccable. I check and re check and re check all the info.

I fucked up last week, put in my wrong account number and now have to wait until probably tomorrow for it to clear. I almost cried when I realized I did that. I was so mad at myself! How could I be so careless??? I just checked my bank account and the money was withdrawn, but I still need to wait for the bill to be showed as "paid" before I can send in the first packet. Hopefully tomorrow it'll be "paid".

I have to send in so much fucking information I don't know how I can possibly get it all together. This first packet is about me, the affidavit of support. Since I don't live in the USA currently I also have to send in a bunch of other stuff to prove I'm moving back to the USA.

This packet will be at least 60 pages. The actual application is about 5. The rest of the shit is cover letters, taxes, bank account statements, voter registration, insurance quotes, emails, forms, papers, AHHHH!!!

Then I get to put together another one for my SO when the next packet is due.

I know I'm doing this for us. And I know that it would take way more time for me to explain what is going on and what is needed to my SO than to just do it myself. But shit, days like today I really wish I could say to him "you do this".

God I'm so freaking tired of doing this.

It's been nearly three straight years of impossible visa shit. First mine, now my SO's. I'm so tired.

I'd love to go run today, but I have to get this visa shit together. So we (I) can hopefully send it out tomorrow.

I also need to put together a photobook for my inlaws.

And I need to crate train my dog so she doesn't flip her shit when I put her on the airplane.

One of the shittiest parts is I can't talk to anyone about this!!! My work friends don't know I'm leaving because I haven't officially told anyone yet. So I have to sit and steam on the inside while frantically trying to get shit together. That's why I had to blog. I had to TELL SOMEONE.

Pity party with me

So here I go. I need to order more certified marriage certificates (if I can). I need to call Victoria's Secret to get them to send me a statement with my address on it. I need to get information about renewing my teacher license. I need to get a shipping quote from a cargo shipper which I won't even use but helps to prove I'm moving back to the USA.