I've done everything in my power to make this visa shit go quickly. And I'm currently so PISSED at my SO. I don't want to tell him I'm pissed as nothing will be accomplished, he'll just feel bad and I'll be mad and that's it, so I'm writing it here. This stupid ass police record is taking FOREVER. He took Wednesday off to get the police record. After going to various buildings, he got the police record, but it still must be authenticated by the Casa Amarilla. Which is a shithole of inefficiency. He went at 7am this morning (they open at 8am, but if you get there at 8am there's already a huge ass line and it takes forever to get through) to drop off the papers. They say he has to come back NEXT WEEK to get the goddam papers!! What the fuck? And they even said "maybe" Wednesday. MAYBE??? Fucking MAYBE???? All they're doing is PUTTING STAMPS ON IT!!! HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!

Of course next week my SO starts this stupid ass huge project which means he can't take off work which means MY ASS has to go to the shithole of inefficiency to wait hours to maybe pick up some fucking papers. And the week after that is Semana Santa (easter week) which means the entire week no one is working. So if they don't get it done by next week, we have to wait another FULL WEEK before we can try to go pick up the papers since the shithole of inefficiency won't be working.


God I am so fucking angry!!!! Why didn't he figure this shit out earlier??? All I need is the fucking police record and then I can send in everything. All I need is that fucking police record. I have done EVERYTHING for this piece of shit visa. EVERYTHING. Why the ONE THING I need him to do, he fucks up???

We could have sent in these papers on MONDAY. MONDAY. Now we might have to wait another fucking TWO WEEKS to send this shit in. THREE WEEKS after we could have sent it.


Costa Rica is trying to fuck me in the asshole ONE.MORE.TIME before I leave.

Also- this other poster on VJ who is applying from CR said that NVC told her you don't have to send in the police record with the packet for CR. That you just have to bring it to the interview. Which sounded like BS so I asked her about it and she hasn't written me back yet. I called the embassy and they told me "you should mail it to the NVC". So now I don't know who is right and I can't call the NVC until I get home today because I have to call on Skype and I have to wait on hold for 30+ min.

I'm so fucking SICK OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

eta- And now the other CR poster is saying it doesn't need to go to the Casa Amarilla. But everywhere else I read said it does. GOD. Why does this place have to be such a fuck hole?????