I know I've been writing too much, but I feel like so much stuff is happening!

Today (and tomorrow and Wednesday) I'm at work for basically no reason. The dreaded "Noche Bohemia" which I have written about before has come upon us once again. This year I don't have a homeroom class so I basically have nothing to do! And we have to be here all day, 7:30-3:00. This is going to be so boring. The kids stay in homeroom all day and decorate the rooms. I brought my computer and plan on starting writing exams, but only after I play on the internets for a while Luckily I scored a spot in a corner where I can do non-educational things and no one can see me! Also stole an extension cord so I could keep my computer plugged in. (looks like other teachers without homerooms got pulled to "help" classes. So glad I hid up here!!!)

SO- visa stuff. I've had to take another break from VJ. It's become a race again to me and I get so PISSED when people who filed months after me are ahead of me in the process. For the past month or so I was reading every post on every page of the NVC thread (the step I'm on). But it's been making me mad again. So I've taken a break. Once I get my next packet sent in, I'll hop on every once in a while to see who has been approved and such. But obsessively checking like before? Not good for my health.

I'm getting nervous/excited about moving home! In just a few weeks I'll be taking my doggy back to the USA. I've been getting her used to her crate. We feed her in there so she doesn't quite hate the crate. But she sure doesn't like it either. I've locked her in for about 5 minutes and she doesn't whine or scratch, she just sort of sits there uncomfortably like "when are you letting me out of here?" We're trying to see if our in-laws will let us use their beach condo for a few days next week. If they do, we'll do a test run with Perlita. Throw her in the crate and drive the 1.5 hours or so up to the condo, spend a few days there, then drive back with her in the crate.

We're also going to be buying my mom's car! She's giving us a sweet deal. Which is exactly how much we plan to sell our car for down here. So that'll be just even. And I think there's a random POS car sitting around that no one's using. So hopefully we'll be able to use that one as well. Fo free. When in the USA I want to see about legally "buying" the car, having the titles transferred and getting insurance and such.

I need to call the bank today to find out about opening joint bank accounts. I'd like to open one while in the USA this month, but I don't know if my SO needs to be there or not. I'd like to do it now and not in July because that way we won't have to wait for the debit cards to come in the mail. Which can take like two weeks or so. It was funny, we were talking how much money we're going to take to the USA and my SO was like how he wants to change his account to dollars (you can get accounts in local currency or dollars) so he can use it in the USA. And I said "why? We're going to get an account in the USA, it makes more sense to take out the money and take it to the USA" He said he wasn't even thinking about that! He said he was thinking he'd keep using his account down here, didn't dawn on him that he could get a US bank account.

Been looking up jobs for him and there's plenty. There's even a job he would be perfect for in the company where my brother works! (he's also an engineer) I wrote my brother and was like "tell them to hold that position until July!!" I wonder though- how far in advance can he (and I) start applying for jobs? Is a month too far? Apply and say "we'll be there in a month!" I'm anxious for new job postings for the local school districts. I think they should come out sometime this month. Oh that reminds me, I need to call about getting another certificate added to my license. It looks like the only time they have the exam is in June, I have to see if I can take it online. I hope so!!!

I just about finished my photobook for the inlaws. Just in time for a 50% off photobook coupon! YESSSS! I think it turned out really nice. I also made a little picture frame thing for my dad, since he didn't get to come to the party.

Well I suppose I've screwed off long enough for now. Maybe I'll start getting some exams together. Maybe...

Oh I did want to add- I've been feeling very ... cold towards my inlaws recently. I don't know if I'm missing my family or what. But I just never want to see them. I feel like it's a chore to go over. They always talk about shit I don't have an input in (like random ex-presidents of CR, yeah I know ALL ABOUT that subject). And my sister in law is so superficial. The other day she was saying she wants to get some surgery with her sinuses. Just say you want a nose job, lady. No one will judge you. You've already had plastic surgery everywhere else. And they always expect presents and ... I don't know. It's been frustrating. On Saturday the sister in law had a bday party the same day of the beer fest and I was so pissed! Like you're how old? Let us go to the beer fest. We already have plans. My SO was all like we have to go because that's what they do here- celebrate birthdays. Every year. I know I'm cynical, but the most I want to do is go out and have a few beers for my bday. If you already have plans THAT'S OKAY. Or if it's super important you're there, I'll change the date. It's just not that big of a thing. I don't want to go to your silly party where you'll just start to sing cantina songs I've never heard before. I know I'll miss them when I leave, and I know they care about me a lot. But recently, I've not been into hanging out with them.