First- here's a blog portion I wrote Friday night while drunk. For whatever reason.

Blogging on a Firday night! But don't judge me, I've already went out for sangria with a friend after work and had a few glasses of Amarula with my SO at the house.

I love my friend. And I'm so pissed I didn't meet her earlier. We are identical. Besides her obsession with running ultra-marathons. We both love food, we both love drinking (me more, obviously), we both are atheists (which is hard to find in a Catholic country), we both are married to ticos, and neither of us want kids (something else super hard to find in this country). HOLY SHIT SHE IS MY SOUL MATE. We're going to their wedding (we were last minute invites, when they met us they had already had the invite list ready, but my SO and I made the list because we're awesome) in July and I'm so psyched. It'll be way better than the wedding I went to last weekend!

Last weekend's wedding BLEW. First of all- 1.5 HOURS of Catholic ceremony. UGH. Sorry Catholics, I'm currently tipsy enough to not filter my words, your long ass ceremonies blow. No one wants to sit through them. (currently drinking some wine out of a jelly jar- DON'T JUDGE ME!)

Okay so the reason I decided to write this (besides the fact that my husband is going out and I've drank too much) is JOBS. I've changed my pace and decided to look up jobs for myself. HOLY SHIT. I'm a science teacher and that is usually pretty high demand. There are at least TWENTY, yes, TWENTY jobs I could apply for in my hometown. Just in my hometown. aNot counting neighboring cities or nuthing! Well, really more like 7. See my certification is in high school science, but I want to add middle school science as well. I'm 90% sure a middle school would hire me if I promised to get my middle grades certificate within the first few months.

SO!!!! I found one high school that is super near where my mom lives (where we'll be living at first) that seems really cool. AND NEEDS A SCIENCE TEACHER. It's a high school specifically for kids who have decided to go into the medical field- nursing, nurses aid, doctor, radiology, etc. The high school has a partnership with both the community college and the big medical school nearby. So these kids actually NEED science. It's cool for me because lots of kids ask me "why do we need to learn this?" And I'm honest and say "to pass the year" But these kids ACTUALLY need science. They need to know biology. They need this shit. So it's hella cool! I really want to apply but we had sort of decided that I would find a job wherever my SO found a job first. As a teacher- I'm mobile. I can get a job just about anywhere. My SO, being an engineer, is a little more tircky.

BUT ugh. It's tough because there's a small window where teachers can get jobs- ya know. It's like Jiune- July. Basically. School starts in August and yeah there can still be openings in August and there can be openings during th eyear, but much less likely. I need to apply now. I can't wait until my SO finds a job to apply.


And here is some really boring shit I wrote on Saturday:

AND THIS is where my SO came home last night and then we went out to a bar and drank more. Evidently when I got home I passed the fuck out since I woke up in the middle of the night half naked, breath kicking and all my makeup still on. Oops. (I think it's hella lame his company didn't have a going-away party for him. They were going to go out to a bar last night but then they all backed out. I was like, wtf? My SO has been working at this company for FOURTEEN YEARS and no one's gonna buy the guy a beer? So shady.)

Right now we're waiting for our interview date. Since we got our case complete at the end of May, it might be all the way until the end of this month until we get notified when out interview is. They usually do it at the end of the month and we might have missed the cutoff. But I've heard San Jose is not a popular embassy so we're more likely to get an interview than say- Juarez or London.

So keep your fingers crossed we get our interview date next week! I want to know when I can quit my job.

Here's a picture of my puppy!

My Perlita! I miss her so much!

And now to today:

I like my SO's family for the most part and in small doses. But holy shit I can't wait until I don't have to hang out with his bitchy, nasty ass cousin any longer. She's really a terrible person. My SO agrees. I've probably complained about her before, but today I was actually close to saying something. I didn't, because we're almost leaving and now is not the time to start a fight in my SO's family.

My SO and I are both atheist, but my SO also hates the institution of "the church". He thinks it's manipulative and evil. So he makes lots of remarks about that to his religious family and I've told him to back off. I mean, what good comes from telling his devout Catholic mom "religion is for ignorant people"? But today he made a very good joke in my opinion, and it was mild. They were talking about the Vatican and how a friend went and he said that inside there are these people who yell "SILENCE!!!" The bitch cousin said "well the church just needs to tolerate that it's a place for tourists..." and my SO says "yeah sure, that'll happen- the church being tolerant" Which, is a damn funny joke in my atheist eyes. The cousin goes off on this rant how he needs to be more sensitive and shouldn't say things like that blah blah. When she is the most judgmental, evil, nastiest person I've ever known! Last time I saw her she was going on and on about how disgusting and awful it was in Malaysia because people eat with their hands instead of utensils. She's talking about how uncivilized and terrible the country is because of this, she also hated the food in general and evidently that makes it a bad place. Shit, talk about being disrespectful! You're going to walk your privileged ass into another country and judge the way they've been doing things for centuries? Sit yo ass down.

Every time we see her it's "this girl is so ugly..." or "that guy is so fat..." or "black people this..." or "gay people that..." Shut the fuck up. I swear she's never had anything positive to add to any conversation. She leeches off her poor mother who is the sweetest lady in the world and has done everything for that ungrateful turd.

There is my rant for the weekend. I can't wait until I don't have to see that bitch but once a year when we come to visit.

SO! Send us good vibes for the upcoming week! Need that interview date!!