My SO got a job!

After a very long wait, he finally got a phone call from the hiring guy today. He'll get a contract sent to him tomorrow! They're also totally fine with our trip to India. They'll either give him the time off, or have him start after the trip. I, of course, would love him to start ahead of time so he can get health insurance and such. But it'll be great.

He's of course really psyched. And I'm happy that he's so happy!

Our trip is coming together nicely. We have a six day tour lined up and then we're flying (found hella cheap tickets after they doubled in cost in three days) to my friend's home town for the five days of wedding festivities. I'm so damn excited I can barely stand it. (I'm also sort of desperately needing a day off work. These kids... )

Speaking of work, it's going mostly well. Today I got back my results from our first district test. The average of my classes was 67%. I was aiming for 80%, but since they're expected to perform around 50% I'm okay with 67%. I'm also feeling good because the other 8th sci teacher had a performance rate of 54%. *evil grin*

My puppy has been sick She was really bad a few days back and my SO took her to the vet. She's perked up the last two days, but she's still not eating and is drinking very little water. She's also sleeping all day when she's normally bouncy with way too much energy. I'm hoping by the weekend she's feeling better!

We went to the State Fair last weekend. Here's some pictures!

My friend and I with Barrel Monster

With the largest pumpkin- 1404 pounds!

Fried shit galore! We had the "Twinx" (bacon wrapped twix, stuffed in a twinkie and deep fried) and red velvet deep fried oreos. The oreos were great, the twinx... a little too much.

The turkey shoot! It was my first time firing a real gun. This was a shot gun. I was so worried about the kick that I barely even aimed the damn thing. And boy did it kick! (No, I did not hit the target! )