Land of the free! Home of a fucking awful health system. I went to pick up a few prescriptions today at the pharmacy- one for traveler's diarrhea (prepping for my India trip!) and my birth control. My shitty ass insurance is so damn awful that it was actually cheaper to not use my insurance with the antibiotic (it was $4 cash, $10 with a copay). And my birth control came out to a whopping $192 for four months. My mouth almost hit the floor. Say whaaat? Turns out my doctor prescribed me a BC that doesn't have a generic option. So I have to call her ass on Monday to get her to write me a Rx for a BC that has a generic option. I mean wtf? The whole thing has me missing the days of my SO picking up 4 packs of FREE birth control from the nurse at his job, whenever I needed them without a damn Rx.


I've been sick for about a week and am trying really hard to take it easy this weekend because I'm tired of being sick. So my SO is out watching the fights with some friends, and I was trying to go to sleep early but was unable. So.. BLOG.

This was my SO's first week of work! Huzzah! He also got paid on Friday and was all excited about his first USD earned in Amurica. He's really enjoying working and is so much happier. I knew he simply needed something to do. He still wants some drinking friends, and I know that will come as he gets closer to the people he works with. I'm so happy to see him happy

I'm getting ridiculously excited about our INDIA TRIP! I still have so much to do to prepare, most of it is writing plans for the substitute. I'll be gone for eight working days (took off an extra day after we get back for the hell of it!) and so I have to write eight days of sub plans. It is so much fucking work to be out of school. I basically have to come up with eight days of teaching that someone can do without actually knowing the subject, but with still getting shit done, and not having it just be movies and book work (though a lot of it will be), and everything has to be written out step by step so the sub won't get confused. I've written two days so far, just six more to go. Yippee.

I planned a tour for us which is five days and takes us around to three cities before we fly up to the wedding portion of the trip. I was weary of booking a tour because I know what they're like- you pay more than double what you could do on your own, you get driven everywhere, you're taken to tourist spots, you eat at tourist spots, you get off, take pictures, get back on... basically you don't get a real sense of what the country is like. But hell, I figure we'll get the "real" experience by hanging out with my friend's family in her hometown during her wedding for five whole days! I'll do the easy tourist thing first

Today I bought two 16 gb memory cards for my camera. I also have three 2 gb and one 8 gb card. I will not run out of space to take pictures/videos! This is probably the only time I'll go to India. Gotta get good pictures!

My friend and I did the boudoir shoot on Tuesday! It was a lot of fun. I was totally at ease the entire time because I have no shame. My friend was a little more uptight, but loosened up in the end. Wednesday we went to see the pictures and pick some prints, the pictures came out pretty damn sweet. I am proud of myself for keeping it a secret from my SO! We'll get the prints by Friday at the latest and what I want to do is scan them all and order them in wallet size through shutterfly or whatever. I mean the 4x6s are nice and all, but it's not like he can take them anywhere. Then it'll be the struggle of trying to not give him the pictures until his birthday- Dec 11. We'll see if I can make it!

Guess that's really it. It's been getting chilly and my SO is dealing with it okay. I'm still enjoying the cool weather, but I gotta say seeing my friend's pictures of sunny Costa Rica is also making me miss my tan! Lastly, my SO got some not so nice news from his family a few days ago. If you have some extra positive thoughts please throw them to him and his family. Thanks

Have a great day