Just need a little rant. Doesn't everyone after "the holidays"?

I have been trying really damn hard to like my brother's girlfriend. I mean really hard. I didn't like her for a long time for a long list of reasons but I was putting that away. I was doing my best to do the right thing. But now I'm kind of disliking her again.

She's very socially awkward and I'm trying to be okay with that. But there's no need to be rude. Everyone in my family has handmade felt stockings and this year I made one for my SO and for my brother's girlfriend. I probably spent three days working on her stocking and I tried hard to make it unique and funky for her. It has a t-rex with a Santa Hat and it's holding a cookie cutter. It's funny and I spent a long time on it. When we gave it to her this was her reaction "oh". And this is how it continued throughout the weekend.

We all have just one person we buy gifts for so we don't have to spend too much, I got my brother's girlfriend. I spent a long time trying to find stuff that she'd like. Her two "big" presents (we're not huge into big, expensive presents) were a Loch Ness monster salt, oil & pepper set and an 8-bit hair bow. Quirky but cute, right? She didn't say thank you even one time. In fact, when she opened the hair bow she turned to my brother and said "do you want this?"

My mom knit her a beautiful scarf. Nothing. We made breakfast and dinner two days in a row. Nothing. My brother, who is very polite, was trying very hard to over compensate for her by saying how nice everything was and how thankful he was. It's so frustrating, you know? I tried really, really hard to get stuff she would like and to include her. Hell, we all did. And nothing. Not even one "thank you". Not even a feign at pretending to like something she got.

So that's the rant. Onto other things- last night my SO and I were streaming the toros and it made me miss Costa Rica something fierce. Everything there was just so... funny! So I know I've explained the toros before but in CR the bulls are not harmed in any way. What they do is release a bull in a ring full of idiot drunk people and the bull goes around and knocks them around. Yesterday they had a big moving stage in the middle of the ring with a band playing music and everyone was dancing and then they released a bull. People are dancing and running away from the bull. Then they let out ANOTHER bull. It was just funny as hell and made me miss that crazy ass country. My SO and I have agreed we really want to move back there. Once we're rich. We also talked about how much money we've been able to save in just these few months. It's almost double what we were able to save the entire time we were in CR! So while we know this was the best move for us, we're both feeling a little homesick for CR. (We hope next year to go to CR for Christmas and New Years!)

My SO got me a Kindle for Christmas! I never thought I'd get something so nice! I really love it. I'm currently reading my brother's NaNoWriMo book from this year. It's okay. I like it cuz it was free.

My SO is loving his job. He's got a possibility of three trips in January- Michigan, California and Mexico. I'm hoping he can take an extra day or weekend and visit his family after the Mexico trip. Our brother-in-law is still not well and I know the in-laws would love to have my SO there, if only for a weekend.

A fun update- my step sister-in-law is pregnant! And I'm actually pretty damn excited about it. I haven't had anyone close to me have a baby yet so this is kind of fun. She's not even *that* close, but since her husband is my mom's husband son we'll be seeing them at least a little bit. I'm even excited about buying little bitty clothes! My SO said "as long as you're excited and not jealous then we're good"

I'm thinking about signing up for a half marathon in the spring time. I feel like I need a training goal. I don't think I'll ever be able to do a full marathon because of my injuries, but I think I could handle a half. We'll see.

Well time to take this doggy and my belly on a run! Have a great day!