School is canceled today! We have hazardous conditions outside! aka- it barely snowed and the entire state shut down. Welcome to living in the south! (For real though, our winters suck. Everything gets frozen and slushy, no snow.)

Noodle- no internet in house! I'm on my phone and it's kind of sucking too. We'll see if this blog gets lost in Internet land. This snow day would be perfect if only I could watch Greys!!!!! Damn you time warner cable! Can't wait to kick your ass to the curb in favor of Google fiber.

Noodle- yesterday was our state meet for the high school team I help coach. It was a lot of fun, the kids did really well. I also accepted a head coach position for summer swim team. My first time as a head coach! I'm a little nervous, but it'll be fine. I'm psyched because this position pays exactly how much I'll need to take my summer trip to Switzerland.

Noodle- summer trip to Switzerland hell yeah! Decided I needed something to look forward to. One of my good friends lives in Switzerland and she'd be happy to have me. Might also go up to Berlin and meet up with some other old coworkers. I hope everyone can make it. IF so, it'll be a freaking blast!!

Noodle- my mom and husband have decided to move to Ecuador in two years. While I'm excited for them, it's a little frustrating that they're not listening to anything I'm saying. Now I never lived in Ecuador, but I did live as an immigrant in Central America, I do have valuable input. They're just so convinced their experience will be different. And as retirees it will be different in some ways, but very similar in others. Well that's a while away, I honestly will be impressed if they ever make the damn move.

Noodle- I'm feeling much better in my shitty school job. I'm pretty convinced I'll get the transfer I applied for. If I don't, I'll explore other options. I'd love to stay with these kids, but in a more supportive environment. So we'll see.

Noodle- my SO is away traveling today. I know one day I'll dislike the traveling, but it's been great so far! It's like having a CDR with the perks of an LDR. We see each other plenty, and we get enough time away from each other to miss each other and also have some personal space. As much as I love spending my time with my SO, I also reeeeally like sleeping in my bed by myself every few days. So much more room!! Hehe And I don't get bored since I'm not alone in the house and have plenty of friends in the area. Woohoo.

Noodle- I am so glad I don't have kids. Not to rain on anyone's kid parade, but goodness I'm so glad I don't have any. More and more so every day. I was telling a coworker I want to go to Switzerland and he was saying how he could never do that blah blah. Why? He's broke. Why? He's a teacher in a state that hates teachers and has s kid to support. My take home salary for a couple with two incomes and no family is quite livable. Take away the second income and add a third person who constantly needs new clothes? Nearly impossible to make ends meet! Let alone go on vacations! Ugh, couldn't imagine.

Anyways. Gonna go make myself a banging breakfast sammich and see if my tropical puppy enjoys icy snow (my guess is- no!)