So, I think I hate work. I think this because I spend a stupid amount of time on LFAD and Pinterest during work hours. (I don't get paid hourly/overtime, but I'm still working 12+ hour days.) But, that's not really the point.

The point is pinterest gave me the idea to make my own cards, so I'm starting small. I embroidered a card last night! I know, it's crazy! Here's the link to a picture of it: It's kind of a crummy picture, I took it with my laptop's webcam. It's also sort of hard to tell, but I used grey & chartreuse embroidery floss. I got the paper and embroidery floss at my local Jo-Ann's, but I'm sure you can get the supplies at any craft store. I used card stock (a heavier/sturdier paper), a needle (one that I had from my sewing kit) and the floss. The paper was 65 cents a sheet and the floss was 39 cents per color. I don't have an envelope yet, but I think I'm going to make one! I know, I'm crazy. But I know that my SO will like it, especially since I made it for him.

Also, I bought the pattern for my dress! I need to go on a fabric hunt now. I found some online that I like, but it will take some time to ship it here. I do have about 45 days to get my dress done, but that doesn't feel like that long!! (We're going to a friend's wedding in 50 days, so I want to have it done a few days before we have to leave.) I'll post pictures of it along the way.