Yesterday was a frustrating day at work for me. Heck, a lot of days have been frustrating at work. Okay, most days. I continue to think that I dislike work. Yesterday I was so frustrated with work and with myself, I actually left at a reasonable time (6:30) and when I got home I put on my running shoes and went for a walk/run. It's the first time in several months that I've actually gone outside to run. Needless to say I was rather disappointed in myself when I could barely handle jogging for a couple of minutes.

It was good to get out, though. I found a cute neighborhood right next to my apartment complex that has sidewalks all along the road so I don't have to worry about cars. There's a trail not too far from my apartment complex that I might try and go to this weekend. I walked/jogged for 2.23 miles, according to MapMyRun (an awesome app I have on my phone).

I need to keep this up. My legs are a little sore today, but it's a good sore. Last May I was running a 5km in just under 30 minutes, yesterday was only about 3.5km, and it was at a fast walk/very slow jog in about 33 minutes. The important thing is that I'm getting out there again.

And, to prove that I need to keep this up, I slept amazing last night, and I actually woke up when my alarm went off the first time this morning. Granted, I still hit snooze and stayed in bed a while longer because I was so relaxed and comfortable, but I was actually awake and didn't fall back asleep like normal. Yay!

Side note: I'm not going to track my weight. I'm going to base how "in shape" I am based on how my clothes fit. I have a couple of skirts that fit me this past summer/fall that don't any more. I actually have one skirt that was too big for me when I bought it. Now it's too small... I've got 28 days until I see my SO again. I bet if I walk every single day I will feel a million times better than I do now when I get to see him again.