Mondays are always blergh. The 13 hour work day (7-8) killed me. And that's with eating lunch at my desk.... so it was 13 hours, not 12 with a lunch break. grrrrrr. i finally left at 8 because i wanted to go for a run outside before it got dark (do not like running alone in the dark, gotta avoid the creepers!). i only got in 1.4 miles, according to my running app, but it's better than no miles! that brings my total for the past 7 days up to 5.94 miles!! woo! i'm going to try and run at least 3-4 miles a week for now. ideally i'll run every other day, at least 1 mile a day.

granted... it's not a full out run, nor do i run the whole time... it's a run/walk/jog. because i make sure to at least walk faster than i normally do so i still get my heart rate up. hey, i gotta start somewhere, right feeling pretty good, actually.