I already posted about this (I have posted several times about it, I think...) but I'm still angry/frustrated. I'm so sick of people telling me to be patient and that "it will happen when the time is right" or, worse yet, "don't rush into it" and shake their heads at me and laugh. i'm 24. i want to marry him. how is that rushing?! we're not even engaged. i'm frustrated because a couple of friends keep calling him my fiance, and i have to correct them, for my own sake. but on the flip side, i have friends who tell me "not to rush into it" or "just be patient".

i try not to be an angry person. but this... this is just so irritating. i have one friend who i feel like keeps rubbing it in my face. he & his SO are CD, and he's picked out the ring, and now he has to plan how to propose and they picked the dates they're traveling to europe together.... right now i'm just waiting to frigging SEE my SO again... and when i do it will be for like, 2 1/2 days. but hey, better than no days, right?

sorry, i'm just... really frustrated and angry and depressed. not a good combo. i'm going to eat a doughnut. maybe it will help.