After talking to a friend who has said he won't ever to LD again, I realized something. Well, okay, this is something I have known, but forgotten: not everyone can handle the distance. You're not "better" if you can or "better" if you can't, it's just a truth.

I admit, I didn't want to ever do LD again, and when we knew this was happening we were not amused. But we deal with it because it's benefiting us. I do not fear the distance because we are friends first. My SO is my very best friend, the one I turn to for absolutely everything. I keep nothing from him, and he keeps nothing from me.

We are open books. I am convinced there are times when he knows what I'm thinking before I do. Some may think it's creepy, but more often than not I can predict how he will react before I tell him something. We are friends first, and that's how I know we will be okay.

a conversation from this past weekend:
l: lunch/early dinner is in the oven
p: yum! what is it?!
p: :-(
l: what, do you want them?
p: ...yes...
l: aww..
p: i miss cooking w/you...

Because we miss the "little" every day things, I know we will be okay. Because the things we miss most are the things couples take for granted. I know that when we're together again we'll take them for granted as well, but I hope that I'll be able to look back on this time when we were apart and remember just how much I missed the little things.