Every once in a while, my boyfriend will say something that floors me-and I don't think he realizes what he is saying. Last week we were talking about the future-and about the possibility of closing the distance. I told him I was hesitant about quitting my job for a boyfriend, and he said, "Well, if things go as planned, I won't be just a boyfriend."

And last night while we were Skyping (I was sewing and he was looking at dating.failblog.org.) And he groaned and was obviously annoyed at something. So I asked what was up, and he said, "This website is taunting me." "What do you mean?" "All of these engagement ring ads!" "Why are they taunting you?" "Because I can't afford anything." It's those off-hand comments that really throw me off, but I love them. They make me giddy, even though I know it won't happen anytime soon, unless the little booger is just saying those things to throw me off. He would, too. He's a butt-head like that. Yes, I call him a butt-head. I've called him that to his face, and he's okay with it (sometimes).

Here's to hoping that I'll be posting an exciting story sometime in the near future....