One of my coworkers told me today that after this project is over, she is going to work for her family's business. (Yay for her!) I also found out that the project manager and superintendent may know where they are going for the next project... and if I were to go there too I would be at least 9.5 hours from my man's hometown, and roughly 19 hours from where he is now in Georgia. No. No. I can't move there. I don't know what city it would be in, but it's not like that would make a difference based on the fact it would be 9+ hours from him. No.

I don't want to keep doing this, I can't. I can't handle the distance any more. Breaking up is not an option. He is the reason I go to work every day. I only go to work because at the end of the day I'm one day closer to seeing him again, and I can take that money and put it into savings for future use. (Like me moving to him or him moving to me or something.)

Ugh. I wish I had a family business to go to... I wish this was easier. I wish we weren't LD, I can't take it any more. We've only been LD for about 4 months, and I can't take it any more. 3 more months of this project, and then who knows where I'll be. He doesn't even know where he will be...

I don't like my job. I don't like where my job could be heading. But I don't know if I want to go a new company and do what I am currently/have been doing for the past year. I know I have been struggling with this a lot recently, but I still have no idea what to do or what I even want to do. I know I don't have to have my life figured out yet, but it sure would be nice to have an idea of where I want to go next...