I can't see it yet. I know the light is there, but I can't see it. It might take a few more months before I can see the light, because right now all around me is darkness. I am trying to stay positive, I am trying to remain afloat, but it gets harder every day.

I think my SO & I have figured out a plan, and it could mean we could close the distance in September. While I am looking forward to that possibility, I can't get ahead of myself because there are a number of things that need to happen before that can (like the whole job thing...).

On a brighter note, I just got an email from a professor that I really liked, he may be helping me out with some of these things. So, we'll see. Hopefully the light appears soon, though. (Side note: for those who are going through/going to go through college now/soon, build a good professional relationship with a professor in your field. It will be beneficial for you later.)