I think I've figured out that's what this is. According to Wikipedia, "the quarterlife crisis is a period of life following the major changes of adolescence,[citation needed] usually ranging from the late teens to the early thirties, in which a person begins to feel doubtful about their own lives" (Wiki link). I honestly don't know if it means I don't like what I'm doing because I really don't like what I'm doing, or because I'm just stressed about being an adult. I wish someone would just tell me what to do, lol. Like flat out, "Do this, and you will be happy."

I know it won't actually happen, but wouldn't it be nice? I think it may be a bit of a relief that I can call it something... instead of just "I'm way stressed out and I have no idea why". Although the "quarter-life crisis" thing makes me sound... I don't know, pathetic? Whiny, too. I do feel like all I have been doing lately is complaining, I'm sorry, LFAD. I'm trying not to complain to my SO about this since he is hardcore underemployed... So I keep coming here. sorry, again.