I still love LFAD, I really do. I'm just struggling with the distance, some days I don't feel like I have a boyfriend. I mean, I do. I know I do, and I know he still loves me. I'm just struggling with the work-life balance, I guess. I don't feel like we're growing apart, I just feel like I'm on my own because I don't get to do things with him, I don't get to plan our weekends/evenings/etc.

I'm struggling with posting on LFAD-although I know that's why it's here, for support. But I don't even have a countdown for when I can see my SO... which sucks. A lot. Although, I suppose I don't need to tell you that, LFAD. Some/most/possibly all of us know that pain. He's still underemployed, and still waiting on ON to get back to him about the possible transfer. They better hire him... I love him, and don't mind supporting him, but I have my own bills to pay and I'd rather be saving that money for our future than spending it on his apartment in a different city. (If we were CD, I guess I could handle it better, since we would be able to see each other.)

I'll be honest, a lot of my over-emotions are stemming from my cycle. But still, why can't this be easier? Why can't, for once, things work out like I want them to? I'm trying to keep my frustrations to myself, but yesterday at work one of my co-workers asked me if I was stressed. Gee, you could tell? Yea... it got pretty bad yesterday.

I'm not sure the vent helped me at all, but I needed to say it.