Which I definitely need, because I was busy yesterday morning. I went to help a couple of friends who are putting up a new fence. They had to tear down their previous fence, and I got to help cut some metal poles and a bunch of fence posts (fun). During one of the water breaks one of my friends asked me if I know when I'll be moving, and I said, "I may not know until a week before I move." "But you'll tell us, right?" "Of course." So, that was nice of them since I have only been here about 6 months. (Rapidly approaching 7 months now). BUT the highlight of my weekend was when one of them asked, "And where does your fiance live again?" I have been correcting them in the past, but I just... I dunno. I didn't yesterday. And it's made me giggly today.

I told my SO that I didn't correct her, and he said, "Good." AH. I LOVE HIM. hahaha, I know we're not actually engaged, but it was so fun for him to respond like that. who knows, LFADers, maybe I'll be posting super happy news soon!! in reality, it's a probable not, because i know that he's broke, but it's still fun to think about.

today, for the first time, i did that girl-crush thing. i wrote his name with my last name, and it was fantastic, haha. i'm looking forward to the day when i can actually call him my fiance, lol.