I talked to my man yesterday before he went to bed, and from what he said, he's going to be moving back to Indiana next weekend (July 7-8). Bums me out a little, but it's not like I'll be moving back to Georgia anyway. I told him that my plan right now is to be back in Indiana by the end of 2012. Ideally I'll be there before the end of the year, but with the way the economy is, I can't guarantee that I will be. He & I agreed that I won't move unless I have a job there. But this will be good, because then I'll be able to save a lot more money (I'm helping him with rent/utilities) for our future & pay off the last of my student loan a lot sooner.

Hopefully he gets a full time job in Indiana soon after he moves back... and hopefully his part time job transfer comes through (the date for his 2nd interview has been pushed back at least 3 times). This is really happening. It weirds me out a little, but it's good that it's going to. Staying in Georgia isn't benefiting him (or us), so he may as well move home and save grocery/rent/bills money for something else.

Side note: I'm hungry!!