Aaaaaaaand I'm working, of course. Boo! I went to the mall last night after I went to get things printed for work (I thought that the place closed at 7...... even though they didn't close until like, 8. ) Oh well, I went to the maaaaalllll after! I love shopping. I had every intention of buying some more wallflower plug ins from Bath&Body Works only to discover that they had closed in that mall!! You have no idea how upset I was. But, I'm going to work a half day today, so I'm definitely going to the other mall (10 mins in the other direction, haha) to buy them there! Yep, I'm addicted.

In other news, I may be moving sooner than I originally thought. Mid-August vs the end of August. And my man may be moving home next weekend, which is, in reality, better for both of us. I have been supporting him while he has been living in Georgia. If he moves home we can work on paying of his student loans instead of putting money into his apt/utilities/etc.

Now to wait until he finally proposes.... I'm hoping that once he moves home he'll make a trip to his local jeweler's and get pricing information on his ring ideas. But I won't ever tell him that. Ever. That would be pushy... and I'm not going to push him to do this. I push him enough about it, haha! anyway, I should get back to work... 5 min break over.