I just really need to vent, and I honestly don't know if I can vent anywhere else, which kind of sucks. I don't feel like I can really vent to any of my friends about this, and I don't even know if my SO wants to hear it. I mean, he's going through it too. (Plus he's still at work...) So, I'm frustrated because I love my SO. That makes total sense, right?

Sure... we'll go with that. Well, I'm frustrated because I want to be more than his girlfriend. I want to be his fiancee, well, okay, I want to be his wife. I want to be able to post things about my fiance/husband on facebook. I want to plan my wedding. People younger than I am are planning their weddings. Or are married. (And/or have kids...) A friend from high school turned 26 this year... she has a 3 yr old and a 17 month old. Which means, (hooray simple math...) she had her first baby at 23. Pretty sure they got married right after they graduated college at 22. That's what I wanted.

My "timeline" in my head said that I would get married within a year after college graduation. It's now been about 14 months, and I'm not even engaged. I know that my whining does me absolutely no good, nor does it even really help me feel better.

There's always that one person (okay, sometimes it's more than one) that you think you'll do "x" before they will, and then when it happens to them first it's just... not fair. You know what I mean? Well, that's been happening to me for about 6 months now. I have lost track of how many people have gotten engaged/married in the past 6 months (or will be getting engaged/married in the next couple of months). The worst part is that some of these people I thought were my friends aren't inviting me to their weddings. So I just get to creep on their pictures after they get back from their honeymoons. It just... sucks. No, I don't think it would be any better if I was invited to their weddings. But I guess maybe I would be happier for them if I could see how happy they are, you know? Now I feel like a horrible person. Don't get me wrong, I AM happy for them. I'm just irrationally frustrated at my situation. More than anything I want to start my life with my man... but we're stuck, and I don't feel like we're going anywhere.