A friend I dated in high school (broke up about 5 or 6 years ago) and I talk online on a pretty regular basis. We share similar spiritual beliefs, so it's nice to get someone else's POV on some things. I should first say that I'm very open with my SO about our conversations, and he knows pretty much everything we talk about.

He got engaged about a month ago, and this morning we're chatting and he said to me, "so last night i was checking my facebook messages to show her one and she saw your message saying "good luck tonight" on the day we got engaged. She said "well that was nice of her even though she thinks we're going to hell"

Um. What? I've never met her. I think it's good that he talks to her about me, because I don't want to be a wedge or anything between them. I'm baffled as to why he even brought this up. We're still talking about it, and I'm somehow managing to stay relaxed about this. For the record, I have never said that I think anyone is going to hell, let alone someone who I consider a friend. They choose to live their lives differently than I do, and I know that. Just because I do things differently doesn't mean that I think anyone is going to hell for what they do.

Anyway. I just had to tell someone because my SO isn't responding to the text I sent. Must be still asleep, haha.