The geographical kind of state, not emotional (thankfully). Side note: I realized that I haven't ever referred to my SO as anything other than "my SO" or "my man", so, I'm going to remedy that, by "formally" introducing him as "Nix". (It might take some time for me to get used to calling him that, haha)

I got a lot of unpacking done today, which was good. I still have a lot to do... I have unpacked 26 boxes as of right now, and I can still see at least 7 from where I am sitting that need to be unpacked, and probably at least 10 more upstairs. *sigh* Tomorrow is going to be a long day. But then it will all be done, and I can finally reorganize my living room! Right now there's only a teeny little walking space because my furniture doesn't quite fit as nicely as I would like. But hey, nothing I can do about it.

So, life is... good. Apparently my SO asked off of work for a week at the beginning of October - and was approved!! He only told me this because I asked him about the possible plans. I knew he & our mutual friend had been toying with the idea of coming to visit me, but didn't know it was a real possibility. Yay for that, even though I had to bug him about the whole "are you coming or not?" thing. Oh well, I guess he figured I would bring it up eventually and would just tell me then.

On that note... I'm finding that I continually have to remind myself that A) he is still broke and B) our friend, Abbs, will be in town on their visit. There's no way he would propose with her here. I've made myself clear that when he does, I want to celebrate with him first - then with family later. (Abbs is basically family. They practically grew up together, and yes, I was concerned before I met her. Haven't been since then.) But anyway... really, this is why I'm posting. Apologies for the long post, but I need to get it off my chest.

I came home from work last night and went to take a nap. I got in bed at 6:30pm, set an alarm for about 8. I slept through it and got up about 9:30, had a snack and went back to sleep. I didn't get up until about 10am. (Apparently I was tired?) But the point here is that I distinctly remember a dream I had last night. He proposed. I know this is probably because of how much I have been thinking about it lately and how many friends I have seen get engaged/married thanks to facebook, but it still threw me off. Especially because it happened in the basement of his house. (His house doesn't have a basement.) And because his house suddenly had like, 14 bedrooms. (It actually has 4.) Anyway-he asked and I stopped breathing. I had to stop and force myself to take a breath. I did, however, manage to say yes in my dream, which, yay for that.

So, apparently not being able to breathe is a possible reaction for me when he finally does ask, lol. I sent him a brief text telling him that-he didn't respond to it (which is typical). I'm not looking for interpretations or anything. Dreams are weird weird things, I just had to tell someone and here seemed like the best place, especially since it involved Nix.