I love Nix, I really do. The distance was bearable, but for some reason with each day that passes it just gets harder to handle.

I told him last night that I know he cares about me but sometimes I don't feel like I'm even on his top 50 priority list. He said he's sorry I feel like that and he'll work on it, but he's just trying to stay positive about our situation. I admitted that I'm a lot more pessimistic than he is (about everything), so it's harder for me. He said that unless I'm willing to change my situation (right now my job requires me to move every year) or let him live off of me, we're at an impasse. I know he wouldn't be happy if we moved in together and he just followed me to each job.

So we're stuck. He's living at home, working two part-time jobs. I'm living 500+ miles away and working 60+ hour weeks. All I want to do is sit down with him and have a long talk about what we're going to do and how/when. But we can't because of our schedules.

Today one of the managers said to me that I can talk/vent about whatever I need to to him. Great, I really appreciate the offer, but how do I tell him that I'm considering leaving? How do I tell this company that I do really enjoy that I'm stressed out because of this LDR they've put me in?

I'm tired of the distance, and there's only two solutions to this problem. I can't even begin to consider one of the options, so the only option I have is to close the distance. Why does closing the distance have to be so hard?? Why can't an opportunity just present itself to me and make our lives so much easier? I know, I'm asking way too much and nothing is that easy. I know that I have to work for what I truly want... Maybe it's time I reconsider my career. (No, I don't mean giving up my career for my SO, just changing what I want to be doing or what I am doing.)