Okay, so this is going to be an attempt at re-writing a blog post I tried to post yesterday and accidentally deleted/closed before I published. Although, it's not like you know what I typed... heck, I don't either. Well, here goes.

I posted about this in the Vets section already (just one little teeny post on a thread, nothing major), but I think I need to share it with the rest of LFAD. If you're friends with me on facebook, please don't say anything about it, it's top secret until further notice. I have a phone interview on Wednesday! I'm excited, but also nervous. I think I'm more nervous about this one than I was about any of the ones I had before I graduated. I know it seems silly, I mean, I have the degree and a year and a half experience now.

Here's the really exciting part about all of this: I told my old professor I sent them my resume and he said, "I'll give the president a call and let him know what a talented individual you are. Any chance I'll get you back here for a Master's/Phd?" (He worked with the guy who started the company.) The company is practically in my alma mater's back yard, and I'm pretty sure almost, if not all, of the people who work there are alumni.

You thought that was exciting? If it were to work out, I would be living LESS THAN 50 MILES from my SO!!!!!!!! That, for me right now, would be practically closing the distance. I know it would still take about an hour to get to him, but that's ONE HOUR. Not 12. One!!! So I'm nervous about the opportunity, plus I'm nervous about what I'll say to my current employer if/when the time comes. I'm going to stress that I do enjoy what I do, and I do really like this company, but I'm looking at furthering my education and I want to be closer to my family.

Right now, I can't possibly imagine getting a Master's degree in addition to working right now. (Yesterday was another 12 hour day... and it's looking like today will be at least 11 hours.) I know I need to take the GRE and everything before I can apply to grad school, but if I were near-by I wouldn't have to worry about finding a place to live and what-not. Who knows, maybe I could even still work part-time while I go to grad school. But that's getting way ahead of myself.

So, the important points are: phone interview on Wednesday (shh, no telling anyone!). ONE HOUR from my SO. That's 1/10th of our distance now!!!

Oh, and he confirmed he's definitely going to come visit Oct 6-13th. I'm planning my attack now... bwahaha!