So I told the people I was free on Wednesday from like, 11:30am-3pm because that was the small chunk of day that I didn't have a meeting. Last night my coworker scheduled a meeting for 2pm tomorrow. Nope. Sorry. I'm going to be late. I scheduled this "meeting" LAST week, and I'm NOT going to reschedule it. So, first come first serve. I'll be late to the other meeting, and you'll just have to deal with it. (My only concern now is I'll have to sit in my office (I'll shut the door, obviously) to do it, and I'm afraid someone will just walk in like they normally do even when the door is shut.

So, besides putting a "do not disturb" sign on the door (because that would be suspicious) how do I make sure no one comes in? Locking the door is out of the question as well, for the same reason. (also, I'm not sure the door even locks...)
