Hooray! October is finally here!! Saturday is our 21 month-aversary. He'll be here just a short 4 days after that!!!!!! AND THEN we'll be driving back to his house and I'll spend the night there. The 15th is my interview, and, he even said he would try and get off work that day so he could drive up with me! Yay!!! Seriously, he's so fantastic. I complain about him so much because I can't focus on anything but the bad at the time... but then he'll do something like that!

Now, part of me knows he's doing it because I'm giving him an excuse to go "home" to our alma mater and he wants to visit and see people, but I'm going to just pretend that he's doing it because he wants to spend the day with me.

The problem I'm currently facing is that I'm putting so much hope into this possibility of a new job I'm losing focus at my current job... and I like (for the most part) what I do. Yes, there are times when it sucks. But doesn't every job have that? So, I'm afraid that if I keep feeling like this & don't get an offer I'll come back here and just be even more miserable because I'm not moving any closer to Nix and I'm already starting to be unhappy at work and stuff.

My biggest concern is that my company just donated a sizable amount of money to the department I graduated from... and I'm thinking about going back to graduate school. I dunno, maybe if I focus on that I'm going to be pursuing another degree there they'll be less GRRRAWRGRR at me for getting a new job? I hope so. I do really like the company and the people, but it's just... I dunno. I'm not happy moving around this much and, most importantly, being away from Nix all the time.

21 months in a relationship. 12 months LD. 9 months CD.... and the 9 months CD weren't all at once, either. 4.5 months and then another 4.5 months, 2 months later. I'm so over this, being away from my man.

All I can do now is pray that this opportunity works out for us...