Nix proposed on Monday. It was PERFECT and wonderful and amazing. The downside to telling people... I keep getting unsolicited wedding planning advice. I've gotten several "if you want to vent..." comments, which has been good, but I doubt I'll vent to them.

But really, I know that venues book up quickly. We're not picky about our date, just sometime next fall/winter. So, we're super flexible with that. So, yea, okay. Great. Thanks for telling me that if you had booked the one place you wanted you wouldn't have been able to get married when you wanted. But, like I already said, we don't care if we get married in a specific month, as long as it's a fall or winter month, haha!

My mom has apparently already picked out her dress... and so has my sister (she'll be my maid of honor). Love them, but really? We don't even have a date/location yet!! Sheesh.

So... other engaged/married couples... did this happen to you too?? It's been less than 48 hours and I'm annoyed by all of the unsolicited advice. If I want help, I'll ask. If you offer to help, that'd be awesome, but I'd rather not you say, "oh do this" or "you have to have this"... because chances are you don't know us that well.

Besides... at the end of the day, I'll be marrying my best friend. The party leading up to it is just going to be a good time, to celebrate, to dance and have fun. The reception is going to be just that - a party. And then Nix & I will escape to our own party... bahaha! (he would roll his eyes at that one, lol.)