So you probably know that I had a job interview this past Monday in a town near my alma mater, and near where Nix is currently living. They came back with an offer on Wednesday, which is a HUGE yay! Unfortunately, the salary they offered was waaaay below what I was expecting (and what I'm currently getting paid). The other problem, and a bigger one than the salary, is that it was/is an entry level position. Which would be great and all, but I have nearly 2 years of experience in my field. So, no, I can't take an entry-level position.

Nix & I talked about it. I counter offered twice-and they didn't budge on the offer. I talked to my old professor, he told me they're idiots for not budging. My future FIL told me something similar, as did my dad. My mom said she knew it was hard for us, but it's probably for the best. My future MIL asked me this question, "If this job was anywhere else, would you accept it?" The answer was obvious when she put it like that.

I'm extremely blessed to have such a supportive and understanding family (and soon to be family!). Nix and I are not thrilled with the situation, but we know that we'll be together again soon. I'm staying in contact with my professor and continuing the job hunt. My professor gave me a heads up on another company in the city, so here's to hoping that one works out. Plus they're based downtown, which would be neat! My future FIL works downtown, so who knows, maybe we could grab lunch in a while.

But... I'm getting ahead of myself. I have to get in touch with them first, though, and then get an interview and then an offer... *sigh* I have to stay positive, right?