I warn you, this blog, and probably many more to follow, will most likely have something about the wedding in it, I'm just so darn excited!

So Nix & I have made four decisions for the wedding.
1) We're going to have the ceremony in a church. (we're down to 2) I still have to get the pricing for one of them, and the decorating/ceremony rules from both.
2) Our colors are grey, ivory, and teal.
3) He's going to wear his tuxedo (he looks so handsome in his tuxedo...)
4) I'm going to (with help from my mom, sister, and possibly future MIL) make my own bouquet, along with my bridesmaids bouquets, and all the necessary boutonnieres & corsages for the immediate families. (That's 3 bouquets, 5 boutonnieres (2 for Dads), 2 Mom corsages, and 2 bracelet/corsages for my future SILs.) Yes, I'm crazy. I'm looking into fake "real" flowers, as well as a ton of brooches. I've got some ideas rattling around in my brain, and Nix has said, "sure." or "sounds good" to these particular ones... so I'm going to run with it.

Baaaaaaaaasically, I'm super excited about all of this. I'm a planner, and, as it has been pointed out, I like to have control over things. I've gotten significantly better over the past three years about letting go of control, though. (It's definitely helped me become a better me.)

But, the most important detail about our wedding? We're gonna get married!! At the end of the day, I will be marrying my best friend. This, my fellow LFADers, is the thing I am most excited about. Yes, I'm excited for my dress and the cake and the party. (And, let's be honest, the wedding night) But the thought of coming home to him every day (or him coming home to me) and crawling into bed with him every night? Bliss. Pure. Bliss.

That thought is keeping me going. Knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel-even though we don't have a date yet-is keeping me above water. I cannot believe I'm going to marry my best friend, guys. I can't put into words how I feel every time I think about spending the rest of my life with my best friend by my side.