You'll all probably think this is a little weird, but it works for us. Nix's dad & I text. Frequently.

On that note, he & I were discussing the future wedding. I want to get married in the fall, but Nix's younger sister will be the color guard captain, and it's going to be her senior year. The fall is always full of competitions, and I know if I make her miss a competition she'll be mad at me. (She's a little over-the-top on the emotions, but we love her anyway. (She cries really easily.)) Now, I know she might get over it in a year or two, but... she IS my future sister. Siblings & parents' schedules are the only ones we would consider changing our wedding date for.

He said that September and October are busy every single weekend for her with competitions, and October is more of the regional/district competitions (they're a big deal). If they do well, they'll go onto states. This will be her last season with the guard, AND she's captain. I know how she feels - I was in marching band all through high school and college. I would be upset if I had to miss something that big.

So he suggested May or August. August is always stupid humid and gross in Indiana... May isn't much better, but it's the tail end of spring. Although, to be fair, weather in Indiana is stupid all year round. It's pretty much, in my experience, one of the only states where you can get all 4 seasons in a week. (Sometimes you even manage to get 2 or 3 in one day!)

Plus we're planning on having an indoor ceremony. And indoor reception. So... why not May? The only problem with it now is that my mom & sister live on the west coast, and I haven't tried on any dresses yet. I have an idea of what I want, but it's just an idea. We have an idea of where we want to have the ceremony, and so we'd check out places near by for the reception. We'll have to call the church and see if they're available... as well as the reception hall/hotels we look at.

As long as we can get those big things taken care of, I don't see why it would be a problem. I mean, the caterer and music and photographer won't be too big of a challenge. We know what we want for our menu, he's picky about music, and I already have a photographer in mind...

Normally I just blow off what my FFIL says because he's normally trying to bug me. But this is actually making sense. Sure, it will be a pain if I don't have a job come May. But we'll figure something out. he'd possibly move here, or I'd find something short term in Indiana... I dunno, these are all options. But I really need to talk to Nix first.... too bad he's at work. He'll be at work until 8:30 tonight, which is grr because it's only about 4 now. I don't want to wait that long to talk to him!! (Oh Starbucks. I love you, but I hate you.)

At this point, I don't even know what to think. I'm pretty sure my mom is planning on calling me tonight, presumably to discuss wedding things. I'd really like to talk to Nix before I bring it up to Mom... but I may not be able to. I dunno. Am I crazy for maybe pushing our wedding up 4-5 months?