But to be fair, that's only because I've been visiting with Nix!! He's at work right now, and I'm hanging out at his house so I can post and try to catch up a little on LFAD.

So Thanksgiving with his family was awesome, lots of delicious food. I got my new phone (iPhone!) before I left for the airport (my mom ordered them in California and had mine shipped to me), and I'm still trying to figure it out. (Any tips, fellow iPhone users?)

But Thanksgiving dinner was good, even if Nix had to leave early and work. I got to hang out with his family and talk about the wedding and our plans and everything. I went Black Friday shopping with Abbs and Ash, which was fantastic. We went out at 5:30am and didn't get home until about 3:30pm. We didn't have anything in particular we needed to buy, so it was a relaxed shopping trip, even if it was super early!!

Nix & I went to look at a possible reception venue this afternoon, I think it was okay, and the woman we talked to was suuuuper helpful and really nice. I'm not sure I'm completely in love with the space, so we're going to keep looking at other locations downtown. Downtown is super close to the airport, which is good since all of my family and the majority of my guests will be flying in for the wedding. A number of his family is from out of town as well... based on our guesstimate we need to "hold" about 40 hotel rooms for our guests, possibly a few more.

And then we went and got our ears done! Whee! Here are some pictures for you. I went first, because I'm a wimp and probably wouldn't have gotten it done if I had let him go first, lol. I squeezed Nix's hand when she was putting in the stud. Honestly, that part hurt more than the needle through my ear.

And then Nix got his done... and I admitted to him on the way back home that if we were married and had our own place, I would jump him when we got home. (I think it looks sexy on him!!! )

Anyway, I hope everyone is good, I just wanted to update you guys and let you know everything is happy.