So I'm gonna write a bunch of nonsense here so my pictures don't clog up the feed, should you happen to ever look at it.

But, okay, seriously. So about this dress. I had 2 appointments on Friday (the 21st) and they went well. I didn't have a "ohmigosh I'm a bride" moment in any of the dresses I tried on, and I had on probably 8-10 at each appointment.

On Saturday we cancelled the first appointment to look for short white dresses in places like Nordstrom's and Neimen Marcus (I tried on a convertible dress at my 2nd appointment on Friday and loved it, but it was way over budget. Although, I wasn't heartbroken to say no to it.) So Saturday afternoon we went to my last appointment and tried on a bunch of dresses, and there was this one... I put it on and honestly, I wasn't sure at first. So I tried on some others. And then I kept looking at it. And kept thinking about it, and compared the other dresses to that one. So I put it back on again. She veiled me up, gave me a couple of brooches to hold to see what it would look like with my bouquet... and then it happened. Yes. I had the moment. I wasn't all out crying, but when I realized I didn't want to take the dress off I got a little emotional.

And here's the best part: it was on sale!! I bought that dress/gown/whatever you want to call it, so it was reduced. (It ended up being nearly $500 UNDER budget!)

Okay, okay. Now for the reason why you are really here.... PICTURES!

I wanted something a little sparkly, and the top of this dress gives me that. And a little bit of lace...

And the buttons! Oh the buttons... and the train... I didn't think I wanted a train, but this one... Fell in love with it. (Best part? Zipper. Not real buttons.)

*double checks to make sure you can comment before posting...* Yup! Okay. lucybelle was nice enough to point out that you couldn't comment on my last blog entry... sad panda. (It's fixed now, in case you care, although with this entry with pictures, I doubt you do. )