I swear I didn't mean to post another wedding blog...

I have started my search online for the perfect shade of teal wedding shoes, and have yet to find them. Sooooooooo, I'm stalking theknot DIY boards and there's a post: "shoes". Someone else is having the same problem as me! (Except she wants them to be a specific shade of blue, although I feel like blue shoes are stupid easy to find... aaaaaaaannyway.)

One of the other posters suggested she paint the shoes! I'm not yet completely sold on this idea, but I think it will be great if I can't find a pair of shoes before I have to go in for my fittings. So I haven't completely decided on that, BUT there is also apparently floral spray paint, which I have found in the perfect shade of teal, so I will be going to the craft store this weekend to pick up some small flowers and paint for my girls' bouquets! Whee! I'm going to make bouquets for them that are ivory with some teal flowers scattered throughout it, and then include only a few brooches. Which means I think I may make their bouquets differently than I am making mine, since I won't have to rip the flowers apart

So, here's a question for you lovelies. My dearest Nix wants his guys to wear dark grey shirts & teal vests (no jackets). I think I'm okay with this. My girls will be in grey dresses (of their choosing), with the ivory&teal bouquets. So, when I make their boutonnieres, should I make them with ivory flowers or brooches, or, somehow try and get a brooch and a flower in the same thing? I'm leaning towards no brooch for the guys, making Nix a boutonniere that's similar to my bouquet, and then giving the dads brooches to "match" the mom corsages. Thoughts?

Anywho, I hope you lovely ladies (&gent... lol) are having a fantastic day so far!

PS I'm sorry I keep pestering you about this wedding stuffs, but I like you guys better than the crazys on theknot.