My mom and sister just started texting me (group text message). I was planning on seeing Nix in April, but nothing is set yet. (I wanted to see him for my birthday) Now they're being all "we need to see you for your birthday!" and "we can have a bridal shower and birthday parties"! My sister's birthday is a week before mine, so we have celebrated together in the past (not a big deal. Give me a cake and wine and I am happy.) I can't afford to take days off if I'm going to still be with this company in October. I'm going to need all of my vacation days for the wedding/honeymoon. My sister can take vacation days after the ski-season is over, and my mom doesn't have any plans.

I feel like if I tell them I want to see Nix for my birthday and so I can't see them in April too, they'll get all moody and pull the "well we're your family" and "you haven't seen us in longer" cards. Which, I get it. I really do. I miss them too. But this is my future family I want to see, it's not like I'm "blowing them off" for just anyone. And I thought they were going to do a bridal shower in August! (Even still, I'd have to fly&take days off for it) I can't afford two trips in one month. Not financially, and not with work either.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh. This would be so much easier if I had a job in Indiana!!!!