I was having a rough day yesterday that's now continued into today, which is making for an extra-special-fantabulous Monday. Basically it comes down to my mom. Again. Nix & I have had a lot of conversations about this job opportunity in SLC for me. A lot. And we came to the conclusion that it's not in our best interest for me to accept it. Me accepting it would be a killer move to his career, since he wants to work for a church. And a) he wants to be a sound-guy for a church b) the LDS churches don't have music in their services c) we're not Mormon d) the churches in SLC that aren't LDS are so small they don't have a need for a full-time sound guy.

"Well he could find a job in something else. It might not be his first choice but then you could be together."


Sorry. I've spent the better part of the last day and a half yelling at no one, because there's no way in hell I would yell at my mom. At least, not like this. Don't get me wrong if I was there in person and we were having this discussion, I can pretty much guarantee that I would end up yelling.

And then she goes and texts him last night. Normally, no big deal. But she goes off on him about how "it's my dream" and "he shouldn't stand in the way" and "this is something she's (I) worked hard for" and "it would close us off" and "I (she) feel she is holding back what she wants". I admit that when I started college I expressed interest in finding a job that would move me around. But that was SEVEN YEARS AGO. Am I not allowed to change my mind about what I want out of life in SEVEN YEARS?!?! Because I certainly feel that's how she's acting. She's so focused on this crap I said when I was 18. Mom. I'm not 18 any more. I've done the moving around thing on my own. I'm tired of it. I want to be in one place. Indiana is more "home" to me than anywhere else we have lived. So why would I consider taking a job that would move me somewhere that would essentially kill my future husband's career??

To be honest, with or without Nix, I can imagine myself living in Indiana. Again, I may have said (SEVEN YEARS AGO) that I couldn't picture myself living there. But that was when I first moved there. That was when Indiana was just for college. When I go visit now, and fly over Indianapolis, I feel a huge sense of relief. Sure, part of it is because I'll be seeing my fiancé soon. But I remember one trip when he & I were living in ATL. I went up to Indy without him for a church thing. I felt the same relief and sense of "yay I'm home again" when I landed in the airport. Yes, I've told my family this. Several times. I don't think they believe me.

Honestly? I feel like my family is in support of the wedding, but not the marriage. If that makes any sense. I don't know what else to say to my mom to get her to shut up about this. It's not even like I applied for this job. THEY contacted ME. I now regret expressing any sort of interest ever in it.

I feel like my family thinks that Nix has brainwashed me. And I have no idea how to convince them otherwise.