I am NOT going to be a Bridezilla. I'm determined. And so this nonsense I'm feeling right now is getting to me. Because I'm over thinking. Because I'm worrying about probably nothing. Even if it is what I think it is, I have no reason to worry about it. I have no reason to get stressed about this. And yet, I still am a little. Sigh.

Nix's groomsman (not his best man) is getting married this year. I thought they had a picked date in September. I'm friends with him on facebook. He updated his status today, "It is October 19th, everybody!" and a few "congrats, man" comments were posted. I didn't think anything of it at first. Aand then my brain starts thinking (which we all know is bad). I don't know this for certain. I don't know anything beyond what his status says. And then I jump to "They didn't have a wedding date picked and now they do. And that's it."

I know I only get one day. So. I would never EVER even begin to consider to ask them to move their wedding date. Honestly, though, I'm concerned that if it is, they would still be on their honeymoon. This wouldn't be a problem. Except for the whole... "he's a groomsman" problem. I think my biggest dilemma is that he is one of very few guys that Nix actually wants to stay in touch with after college, and I'm concerned that he would be upset (although he wouldn't ever say it) if he were to back out because his wedding is the week before.

No. I'm not going to worry. I told Nix he might want to talk to him about it. But. It's not my problem. I'm not going to stress about this. I'm not going to make a big deal. If he backs out he'll ask someone else or deal with it being "uneven". (Silly boy, needing everything symmetrical... ) No. Not worrying. Letting this one go.

Just had to get it off my chest. Phew.