Although, I shouldn't be surprised about that... haha! Friday I got home from work and slept. Literally, went to bed at 5pm. Woke up at 9am Saturday. Guess I was tired?

Saturday I was lazy, and then my neighbors were obnoxious, so I went to JoAnn's and bought crafty things. Namely, stuff for the guest book. Nix & I weren't sold on the typical "get pictures printed and people sign the pages" or the "everyone signs the mat in a photo frame" options. So, instead I ended up purchasing a (rather large...) canvas and some foam board. I cut the foam board out similarly to the LOVE sculpture (the font is a little bit different, but, it's pretty close) and spray painted it teal. Now it's hot glued onto the white canvas, and we'll get silver sharpies for people to sign with!

Then I also finished our "no seating plan" sign. I think the whole "bride's side/groom's side" is rather silly, so I made a sign to put outside of the chapel. (And then to put outside the reception as well, since there's no seating plan there either)

AND THEN (it just keeps going, soorrrrrry) I figured out my shoes! (Finally!) I knew I wanted to have something fun and glittery (is anyone surprised? no? ) so I actually ended up picking out a pair of shoes that I already have. They're comfortable, but they've been beaten up and so they don't look the best any more. Still in great shape otherwise, though. So I bought glitter. I bought fancy expensive glitter that's costing me $11. (+ some shipping) But, I already have the shoes. I already have the Mod Podge. So... for roughly $15, I will have my wedding shoes. (Excellent!)

AAAND one more thing. Nix finally told me what he wants for our honeymoon. Not Belize. Sigh. That's okay, because I'll be spending the week with him - that's all that really matters anyway. Instead, we're going to (at least, I'm like 85-90% sure on this) rent a log cabin in Tennessee and spend a week in the Smoky Mountains! Which, in reality, I'm completely okay with. We'll get to road trip there (it's only about 6 hours) and road tripping with him is always amazing. We can take side trips if we want to, or just drive straight there. We'll do what we want, when we want. Some of the cabins I have found have indoor swimming pools (midnight naked swimming, anyone?!). Most of them (if not all) have hot tubs, jacuzzi tubs, and fire places. Definitely a lower key honeymoon, but I'm totally okay with that. Definitely leaves plenty of time for honeymoon activities.

Anyway. Things are good, busy, but good. Hopefully I'll get to see his face again tonight. If he ever gets online....