So, thanks to Zephii's "Food" blog, I've been thinking more about what (and how much!) I'm eating. Which, in turn, is leading me towards becoming a "mostly" vegetarian. I say "mostly" because I'm pretty much already there - but I don't necessarily want to entirely give up chicken. And bacon.

But really, I need to increase the amount of fruits & veggies (mostly veggies) I'm consuming. I want to be eating better, and not just so I can lose weight before the wedding. I want to be healthier - and yea, okay, I want to look freaking hot for the big day - but I want to FEEL better. I don't feel healthy right now, I feel like a lazy turd.

So, I guess this is the beginning of a semi-vegetarian life? I mean, I've basically already cut out red meats (unintentionally) so limiting the amount of poultry I eat shouldn't be hard... especially since I get too lazy to cook it, ha! I have recently (aka yesterday) discovered ground flax seeds. I've heard about the benefits of it (fiber and protein) but hadn't ever really looked at buying any when I was at the store. I know that whole seeds are better (and last longer) but I don't have a food processor.

Note to self: add food processor to the registry...BRB

OK back. (Food processor added! I admit I'm registering for things on my registry I might not buy for us, but that I think we would definitely use. Like expensive bed sheets.)

So I'm definitely trying to be more active, but it's frustrating when people are posting things on fb/twitter/etc that are like "Lost another two pounds this week!" And I'm like, wth. Clearly I'm doing something wrong, because I didn't lose 2 pounds this week OR last week. Here's hoping a change in diet will help that.