First things first: 7 months from right now I will be getting ready (probably getting my hair done) to marry Nix!!!
Oh geez... I guess I should go to this meeting. Sigh.

Okay back. AND I GOT A PHONE CALL DURING THE MEETING. What the heck, why is it that I only get super important phone calls during meetings where I can't leave???

Anyway... the voicemail went something like this, "Hi this is Joe Smith from (company) and your mom gave us your resume and number. Give me a call back on my cell phone (number)."
So I called him.
AND NOW I HAVE AN INTERVIEW WITH THEM. On my birthday, but hey, beggars can't be choosers. Oh yea. Not just an interview with Joe. But with the stinking owner/president of the company (and his son). The downside to all of this? Now I can't wear my birthday crown all day long like I was planning on doing. I guess I'll have to paint little birthday crowns on my nails or something.

Oh, did I mention that when I heard the "your mom" part I was like, wait... my mom gave my resume...? And then I smiled really big because it clicked. My FMIL! Basically already my MIL, though. Basically already Mom. Except... I don't think I'll ever be able to call her Mom. But, who knows. Maybe I will eventually.

So I'm still waiting to hear back from this other company that was supposed to call me on Friday (I called them twice in the afternoon, left one message) about setting up an interview for that weekend I'm visiting. I called them again about 20ish minutes ago, and heard the guy I've been talking to was in a meeting. Okay, no big deal. Left the lady I talked to my name & number to give to him. Not gonna lie, I'm starting to get annoyed with this guy. HE told me two weeks ago that he would call me back with an answer on the interview time (if they want to give me one) on Friday. I feel like I've been more than patient with them. So, now I'm getting irked.

I had to call the other company on Friday with no word from these guys. This other company is in a town 2+ hours from where I want to be, and they were honest and said there's absolutely no room for career growth with this path because it would just be me and this other guy in the department. Also, no career growth means absolutely no raises. What? Sorry I'm a little snobby, but the MAX salary they would consider offering me was going to be 75% of what my current salary is before taxes and everything. And yes, I know the cost of living is lower there than where I am now, but I've gotten used to living on my salary, and not only that, I will be going from supporting just me to supporting me & my SO.

Yes, I can and will have to make an adjustment anyway, because I have accepted that my salary will be cut when I move there. I know this. But it would be a heck of a lot easier to accept a job knowing that there is room for promotions/raises/career growth. Especially if I'm going to have to support the family. Which, I'll be honest, absolutely kills me that I most likely won't be able to be a SAHM. Nix knows this, we had a talk. I know I may have to stay working, but I just can't help but feel like I'm going to be missing out on something I really want to do. I guess the best possible scenario is going to be that I'll be able to work from home when I want/can (if I don't have to be in the office for meetings or something) and have more flexible hours. Yea, I know. If I really want that I should just work for myself.

I hate the idea of opening my own business. At least, in my current career path. If I were to open an etsy store selling crap I make, I would do that. But there's no freaking way I could make enough to validate quitting my job.

Back on the topic of this interview. I'm looking over their website. And I'm dying. Did I mention that the reason I am getting this interview is because my mom met with the guy and told him a little about my situation? And the reason that she met him at all is because this is the company that is doing the expansions on the church we're getting married in? (And hopefully our future church home if all works out okay.) So they design and build churches and schools and restaurants and retail spaces and small healthcare buildings. The problem with them? They don't have "my" department, at least, from what I can tell on the website. I guess my FFIL is right though, they have to start somewhere.

I don't know. The guy I talked to said they would get in touch with their other contacts if they don't have anything available for me. Which is super nice of them. And awesome. Their office is on the other side of town, but there are enough places to live in between where he's working now and where that office is. Crap I need to stop that. I just have an interview. Which means nothing, because they might not even be hiring anyone right now or have a job for me or anything.

I need to breathe. (For the record it has now been almost an hour since I called the other company and still no call back. But now it's lunch time, so, okay, fine. JUST CALL ME BACK, YA JERKS.)

Speaking of lunch time. I have leftover mac&cheese to eat today! It's absolutely going to kill my calorie count (just like it did yesterday) but I don't care. I was celebrating yesterday (it was Nix's birthday) and today is... well... leftover day. And I'm not drinking wine with lunch. (Which just makes me all sorts of sad, but... drinking at work is a rather large no-no. Bummer, I know. )

And yes, I'm categorizing this as a happy/sad/angry post. All at the same time. So there.

PS Sorry this post is so long. I just started typing and then... word vomit.