It's working.

Last night I had a scary dream that I was getting my hair done for my wedding and my sister was doing my makeup and I realized my dress was still in Colorado. I woke up in a small panic.

Needless to say, I called the store today and asked how long shipping takes and if I can get it sent to me. I haven't heard back - but I did call them at like... 11:30 my time which is only 9:30 for them and they don't open until 11 on Tuesdays. So, they've only been open for 30 mins or so now.

On that note. I'm starting to look at hair accessories. I already know I am going to be wearing a veil. I'm not sure what it will look like yet, but I think it's going to be one that's stuck up into my hair and comes out from underneath my updo, rather than over it.

I want to have something in my hair besides that, though, because... well, because I want it. lol. I like sparkles. I do not want a tiara. I am not a princess. I do not want to feel like a princess, just to make it clear. So I'm coming to you lovelies because you've seen my dress (go back a few blogs - oh here. a link for you) and you can help me pick.

I don't want something that's going to be a lot of $$. Nix & I decided a while ago that once we're married, we're going to talk about any "big" purchases with each other before we make them. We set "big" at $100. I want this hair piece to cost less than that.

So here are a few that I'm looking at (these are not the only options, these are just what I've found today during my beginning search).
Option 1
Option 2 (In aquamarine)
Option 3