Hooray, every time I think I get rid of stress, something else will pop up. Like. Immediately.

So here's my latest problem, maybe you guys can help me with it.

I have 10 vacation days left for the year. It's barely the middle of July, no big deal. I need 6 for the honeymoon (Mon-Fri + Mon) and I'd like to take 1 1/2 - 2 more before the wedding. So, that's 7 1/2-8 PTO days. So now I'm down to 2 - 2 1/2 days.

-Nix's groomsman is getting married Sept 21.
-Homecoming, and this year is alumni band, is Sept 28.
-My sister just texted me and thinks we should do a long weekend surprise visit to Mom for her birthday. Friday-Sunday. The problem is if we want a full day Friday, I'd have to fly out Thursday morning. Early. Mom's birthday is Aug 24.
-My family is trying to plan a trip to my Grandpa's cabin when the rest of the cousins are there. At the beginning of August.

I'm being selfish and I'm not shortening our honeymoon. It's not an option. If I have to pick, I will pick Nix's groomsman's wedding, even though I REALLY want to go to Homecoming and see all my friends and march again. (Though, I guess the ones I really want to see will be at my wedding the next month.)

Oh yea. I forgot. I'm also MOVING. At this point, it's still to Maryland. Frick. The dates have changed now, to the beginning of September. So, if I do the birthday trip, that will be pretty much the week before I move. (STRESS.) But it's my mom. Oh yea. It would also take me like, 12 hours of travel time to get there, and then 12 hours home again. But it's my mom.

I haven't seen my Grandpa in like, 4 years. I wanted to go because then maybe Nix could go too and he could actually meet some of my extended family before the wedding. I know it's not critical, but I've meet all but one uncle & family from his extended family, and he hasn't met any of mine. And, I have no idea if either of my grandfathers will be able to make it.

I get 12 vacation days each year. Yea. Two weeks = 10 days. + I get a "floating holiday" and an "associate appreciation day".

And this is all up in the air, because what if the university calls me back? I'm losing hope on that. Like, I'm pretty confident they aren't going to call me back. Ever.

Not to mention Nix wants to go to CO for Christmas this year, and I'm sure he'll want to be in IN for Thanksgiving... I can't do it. I don't have enough time. He could go... but then I'd be spending the holidays alone, and the thought of that makes me really really sad.

I don't know what to do anymore. Any advice?