but I can't help myself. I'm just too darn excited and I'm trying to make the best of the semi-crappy situation I'm in. SOooooooooo.... I had my 2nd dress fitting last night!!

And I asked my seamstress (a really fantastic Russian lady) to take some pictures so I could send them to my mom (and show you guys, of course ).

She's hemming and making a few other adjustments to my dress before I go pick it up on Aug 6. I've been given strict instructions not to lose any more weight - otherwise my dress won't fit. (I am going to continue to work on flattening out my tummy, since it bugs me that there's still a pooch. Stupid tummy pooch.)

ANYWAY. Dress pictures!

Please note that only the right side of the dress is pinned up in the bustle, so that's why the left side looks all sad and weird.

GAH. 93 days!!!! How I'm going to maintain where I am for the next 93 days.... not sure. Because I've gone all crazy fruits and veggies and running and... I'm insane. I went grocery shopping last weekend and I had one of the fancy two-level carts. Top level looked like I'm a health nut. Bottom level, apart from the protein powder, looked like I'm a single woman. I'm betting the cashier and person bagging my groceries thought I was nuts.